Planted more crops as follows
75% of corn - in rows
10# Coopers Wet summer mix with 10# sunflower in second bsin feild near corn plantings
Birdfoot T. in wet area next to that - Should have planted 2 weeks eairly due to 125 maturity but...
Planted rest of Wet Area Summer mix in wide strip in New field - Wet but not bad -
Planted blueberry plants
Planted pumpkin, (2 types) and water melon in tire along with some flowers.
Corn planted 2 weeks before did not germinate - Suspect Ground too cold Hit low of 20 seek before
Lots of clover were did not spray round up and suprising amount were did - Possible last years seeds
and or grouwth was under grass that was killed
Alfalpha growing good - grass died with use of arrest but may need bradleaf herbicide
Definatly need broadleaf in woods food plot -
Bear on deer cam -
Does on deer cam - no sign of Bucks
Alfafa higher in control (fenced area) - but not in wet fields
Lots of brosing of clover in deeer cam